Dementia Directives are a supplement to your standard Advance Directive. They are designed to address the gradual loss of decision-making ability which typically occurs in dementia, and which may not be specifically addressed in a standard advance directive. It will be important to ensure that your preferences, as expressed in your standard advance directive, agree with those expressed in the Dementia Directive.

Dementia Directives are not legally binding. But they will help your loved ones understand what makes life worth living for you and what limits you would like to be honored in extending your biological life if you are unable to interact with others or live in a way that is acceptable to you. Knowing your values and wishes gives your loved ones peace of mind as they make treatment decisions on your behalf. Also consider a video or conversation with them.

Helpful Dementia Directive Resources: 

Sample Dementia Directives:


Resources compiled by Jean Abbott, MD, MH and updated in May 2024